Washington Digital Government Summit 2024 Banner


The Digital Government Summit brings together technology focused public-sector professionals with leading industry partners to connect on innovative approaches, get inspired and discover new technologies. Join us and let’s improve the future of government together!

A message from our Keynote Speaker


Scott Klososky

Scott Klososky

Technologist, Futurist, Humanist, Author and Consultant

As a founding partner of digital strategy firm, Future Point of View (FPOV), Scott lives on the leading edge of technology and innovative thinking. Scott speaks to large audiences worldwide about the intersection of humanity and the Digital Transformation. Through FPOV, Scott provides advisory work for clients including Fortune100, SMB’s and government entities. This work has driven him to develop unique concepts such as the HUMALOGY® Scale for measuring the amount of human or machine involved in a system or process, and the Rivers of Information® process for building learning eco-systems. He also pioneered a framework for looking accurately into the future of an industry sector in order to set organizational strategy: The High Beam process.
Scott co-founded Alkami Technology (ALKT), the developer of a second-generation online banking platform with innovative features non-existent in current systems. The company went public in 2021 at a $3billion valuation and is today headquartered in Dallas with over 350 employees.
Scott is recognized globally for his unique ability to accurately predict future digital trends and explain the logic behind why these will alter the current status quo of the economy and society. While business application of his insights is extremely valuable to leaders and companies, he is also motivated help improve the impact post Covid environments are having on people and their daily lives. Technology has been increasingly driving change and stress and recent events are amplifying this problem. He has a unique perspective on how to manage the personal toll technology is causing people, teams and organizations.
Even as a young child, Scott was destined to see the world through a Humalogy® lens. His father was a programmer for Boeing and his mother was a counselor who mixed many philosophies into her practice of helping people in life. To this day, he is a hybrid of a technologist and humanist who strives to find a hopeful future in blending the two.
Scott has the ability to entertain, inspire, and enlighten audiences, while helping them gain new perspectives about how technology is impacting us. Scott never does a canned presentation with the exact content across events. He sets himself apart from other speakers by architecting his content with the latest examples, current events and trends relevant for the keynote he is delivering.
He is equally adept at giving large stage keynotes, speaking to small boards of directors, facilitating half and full day workshops, and doing break-out sessions. As an added bonus of his presentations, attendees come away learning how to be a better facilitator, speaker or presenter by seeing Scott use different applications and technologies to engage audiences either in a virtual, hybrid or in person setting. The best measure of his ability to inspire and inform audiences is the high percentage of speaking clients who bring him back for follow up work with their audiences.
He produces a podcast titled “The Digital Optimist” in which he delivers ideas about the transformation of humanity through the impact of technology with a positive and hopeful lens. He also writes a blog titled Digital Awakening – both can be found at his website at www.klososky.com.

Phil Bertolini

Phil Bertolini

Senior Vice President, Government Technology

Phil Bertolini is a senior vice president for Government Technology, the premiere event and thought leadership content provider for state and local government technology professionals. Previously, he served as deputy county executive and CIO for Oakland County, Michigan. During his 31-year tenure, Phil built a world-class IT organization in the second-largest county in Michigan, just north of Detroit. As Oakland County CIO, he oversaw more than 150 employees serving over 1.2 million residents. In 2005, he was also promoted to deputy county executive, holding dual positions until his retirement. Phil’s efforts earned the county national attention, winning numerous awards for technology innovation and excellence. He was named Governing Magazine’s Public Official of the Year and Government Technology Magazine’s Top 25 Doers, Dreamers & Drivers. He was also honored by the President Obama White House as a Champion of Change.



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1500 Commerce Street
Tacoma, WA 98402
(253) 830-6601

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Advisory Board

Government Representatives

Ginger Armbruster
Chief Privacy Officer
Seattle Information Technology
City of Seattle

Jerry Britcher
Chief Information Officer
WA Health Care Authority
State of Washington

Soumam Debgupta
Assistant Secretary / Chief Technology Innovation Officer
WA Department of Social & Health Services
State of Washington

Junee Dizon
Infrastructure Manager
City of Olympia

Viggo Forde
Chief Information Officer & Director of IT
Snohomish County

Heidi Geathers
Senior Assistant Director of Administrative Services
WA Department of Revenue
State of Washington

Callie Goldsby
Chief Information Officer
WA Department of Health
State of Washington

Ralph Johnson
Chief Information Security Officer
WA Technology Solutions
State of Washington

Bill Kehoe
Director and State Chief Information Officer
WA Technology Solutions
State of Washington

Rob Lloyd
Chief Technology Officer
City of Seattle

Amy Pearson
Chief of Staff
WA Technology Solutions
State of Washington

Mark Quimby
Deputy Director for Technology Operations
WA Technology Solutions
State of Washington

Katy Ruckle
State Chief Privacy Officer
WA Technology Solutions
State of Washington

Sabra Schneider
Chief Information Officer
City of Bellevue

Vickie Sheehan
Communications Director
WA Technology Solutions
State of Washington

Greg Tudor
Chief Information Officer
Recreation & Conservation Office
State of Washington

Scott West
Chief Information Officer
WA Department of Ecology
State of Washington

Industry Representatives

Bill Olson
Senior Account Manager

Elise Sivilay
Technology Sales Leader

Chul Yim
Sales Director

Registration Information / Contact Us

Event Date: November 14, 2024

Open to Public Sector only.

Registration - Free

If you represent a Private Sector organization and are interested in Sponsorship Opportunities, please contact Heather Earney.

Contact Information

For registration and general assistance contact:

Tabbie Pegoda
Government Technology
Phone: (916) 932-1411
E-mail: tpegoda@erepublic.com

For assistance or questions concerning Sponsor Logos or Logistics please contact:

Mireya Gaton
Government Technology
Phone: (916) 296-2617
E-Mail: mgaton@govtech.com

Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, contact:

Heather Earney
Government Technology
Phone: (916) 932-1339
E-mail: heather.earney@erepublic.com


Greater Tacoma Convention Center

1500 Commerce Street
Tacoma, WA 98402
(253) 830-6601