Techwire State of Technology  - California Industry Forum 2021 Banner


2021 has been a year of starts and stops. Will 2022 be any different?

Join State of California IT and business leaders and get the inside scoop on California’s $14 billion state and local IT market at Techwire’s State of Technology, December 3, 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM. This half-day virtual event will feature leading CIOs and executives and focus on current and future initiatives influencing IT across the state.

Attendees will:

  • Get actionable insight to support sales and marketing strategies in 2022
  • Gain a deeper understanding of California’s public-sector technology landscape

There is no registration fee required for Techwire members and no limit to the number of people who can attend from their organizations.

To learn more about Techwire Insider and start your trial membership, connect with Techwire Member Services at (916) 932-1313 or email at

A message from our Keynote Speaker


Liana Bailey-Crimmins

Liana Bailey-Crimmins

State Chief Technology Officer, Office of Technology Services, Department of Technology, State of California

Liana Bailey-Crimmins was appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom to serve as Chief, Office of Technology Services and State Chief Technology Officer in March 2021. She leads a team responsible for serving the technology needs of 300+ city, local, and state departments/agencies. She advances the state’s IT strategy by partnering with government agencies and optimizing California’s technology ecosystem.
She has served the California public sector for 30+ years and worked at eight departments. Before joining the California Department of Technology, Liana served as the CalPERS' chief information security officer in August 2019. As head of the Information Security Office, she led and oversaw the team responsible for protecting the private data of nearly 2 million CalPERS members and a $400 billion investment portfolio.
From May 2017 to July 2019, Liana served as CalPERS' chief health director. As head of the Health Policy & Benefits Branch, she led and oversaw the health benefits program, including policy research, plan contracting and administration, member enrollment, eligibility, and the long-term care program.
Liana first joined CalPERS as a chief information officer for the Information Technology Services Branch in August 2013. She became known for her ability to lead a large and diverse cross-functional organization to meet CalPERS' technology needs through innovative solutions.
Prior to CalPERS, Liana served as the information technology director and CIO of California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS). Before CCHCS, she worked as the project director of the California Information Technology Infrastructure Project.
In 2015, she was honored with the prestigious "CIO of the Year" award from the California CIO Academy. Other honors include recognition for her work on CCHCS' Telemedicine Program, which helped them win the 2012 Computerworld Honors Program Laureate Award, and the Best of California award in the Government Technology Digital Internal category in 2011.
Liana studied computer science at California State University, Sacramento, and is an Information Technology Managers Academy graduate.

Alan Cox

Alan Cox

Executive Vice President and Publisher, Government Technology Magazine

Alan is executive vice president of e.Republic and publisher of Government Technology magazine and Techwire. In this role, Alan is involved in the annual production of dozens of events, as well as the strategic direction for Governing, Government Technology, Emergency Management, the Center for Digital Government and the Center for Digital Education. Alan is also the senior executive that has overall charge of e.Republic’s research organization which includes, custom research, the Digital Government and Digital Education Navigator tool and the Content Studio (webinars and custom content).
Alan has been a guest lecturer at universities and a frequent speaker for key government and industry organizations. For over 35 years, Alan has worked with industry, education and government officials to help them better understand the importance and use of information technology. Alan received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration at California State University, Sacramento.

Rita Gass

Rita Gass

Chief Information Officer, Employment Development Department, State of California

Rita serves as the Chief Information Officer of the Employment Development Department. Her branch, the Information Technology Branch (ITB), delivers accessible, reliable and innovative Information Technology solutions in support of the EDD’s mission. In partnership with the EDD program branches, the ITB provides EDD customers with secure and convenient means to file benefit claims, search for jobs and training, manage payroll taxes, and access other services through online systems like Unemployment Insurance Online (UI Online), State Disability Insurance Online (SDI Online), CalJOBS, and e-Services for Business. The ITB also provides critical operational services by connecting over 160 field offices statewide and by providing service desk and other production services support to all the EDD employees throughout the state. The ITB is made up of five divisions as well as the EDD Information Security Office, responsible for helping safeguard the EDD’s information assets, and the Benefit Systems Modernization Project; a project that will modernize the Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Paid Family Leave benefit systems.

Ajay Gupta

Ajay Gupta

Chief Digital Transformation Officer, Department of Motor Vehicles, State of California

Ajay Gupta was appointed Chief Digital Transformation Officer in February 2020. The CDTO leads technological efforts to enable the DMV to become a modern enterprise. Gupta has served as a special advisor to the DMV Director since 2019. Before joining state service, Gupta worked as a managing director at KPMG, where he led the delivery of legacy transformation, technology innovation, and managed services for State departments nationally.

Jon Kirkham

Jon Kirkham

Chief Information Officer and Deputy Director, Information Technology Services Division, Department of Rehabilitation, State of California

Jon serves on the Executive Team for the Department of Rehabilitation in the capacity of Chief Information Officer. In this role, he is responsible for the strategic direction of technology for the department, including meeting accessibility needs for state employees and citizens with disabilities. To accomplish that objective, he and his team work closely with other department leaders to ensure that they have the modern tools and support needed to effectively provide accessible services to the public and to improve the efficiency of internal operations.

Catherine Lanzaro

Catherine Lanzaro

Chief Information Officer and Deputy Director, Technology Services Division, Department of Child Support Services, State of California

Catherine Lanzaro has served on the Executive Team for the Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) as the Chief Information Officer since December 2019. In this role, she strives to inspire DCSS Information Technology experts to develop secure, unique, and customer-centric automated solutions, realize digital transformation and achieve the Department’s mission. She is a veteran state employee with more than 30 years of service, and before becoming CIO, was the department’s branch chief of applications development and testing. Lanzaro has been a DCSS employee since 2009.

Joe Morris

Joe Morris

Deputy Chief Innovation Officer, Center for Digital Government

Joseph Morris is the deputy chief innovation officer for the Center for Digital Government and a national keynote speaker on issues, trends and drivers impacting state and local government and education. He has authored publications and reports on funding streams, technology investment areas and public-sector priorities, and has led roundtables, projects and initiatives focused on issues within the public sector. Joe has conducted state and local government research with e.Republic since 2007 and knows the ins and outs of government on all levels. He received his Bachelor of Arts in government and international relations from the California State University, Sacramento.

Amy Tong

Amy Tong

State Chief Information Officer and California Department of Technology Director, State of California

Amy Tong was reappointed as State Chief Information Officer (CIO) and California Department of Technology (CDT) Director by Governor Gavin Newsom to continue the statewide leadership she has exhibited since her original appointment by Governor Jerry Brown in 2016. In these pivotal roles, Amy, whose goal is to improve the State’s technology performance as an investment in its future, advises the Governor on the strategic management of the state's technology resources. She provides the administration with best approaches to implement state technology-related strategic plans, policies, standards, and enterprise architecture while minimizing redundancy and cost for efficiency. A champion of user-centered design approach, her direct actions and focused leadership have been instrumental in modernizing the State’s project delivery, technology procurement, Cloud Smart adoption, open data, workforce development pipeline and cybersecurity measures.



Friday, December 3

9:00 am Pacific

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Alan Cox, Executive Vice President and Publisher, Techwire

9:05 am Pacific

Fireside Chat

Amy Tong, Director and State Chief Information Officer, Department of Technology, State of California

Liana Bailey-Crimmins, State Chief Technology Officer, Office of Technology Services, Department of Technology, State of California

10:00 am Pacific


The Employment Development Department (EDD) offers a wide variety of services to millions of Californians. As one of the largest state departments, the EDD:

  • Administers the Unemployment Insurance and State Disability Insurance programs.
  • Audits and collects payroll taxes and maintains employment records for millions of California workers.
  • Connects job seekers with employers and administers federally funded workforce development programs.
  • Gathers, analyzes, and publishes labor market information.
  • As EDD’s Chief Information Officer, Rita Gass is right in the thick of things and has a key role in the organization. Rita had spent time with EDD in 1999 before serving in a variety of roles at Franchise Tax, the Office of the Secretary of State, and other organizations. She came back to EDD in mid-2020 only to be in the middle of a challenging effort to provide additional unemployment benefits to millions of Californians out of work due to the pandemic. This is sure to be an enlightening discussion as we spend a bit of time looking back and the majority of our time discussing the future of IT at EDD.

    Rita Gass, Chief Information Officer, Employment Development Department, State of California

    10:30 am Pacific

    IT Leader Panel

    2021 was expected to be a year when we got back to normal. Not so fast! Now, what will 2022 be like? This panel of leaders will share their insights looking back and then projecting forward as we look towards the end of the 2022 fiscal year and the start of the next.

    Ajay Gupta, Chief Digital Transformation Officer, Department of Motor Vehicles, State of California

    Jon Kirkham, Chief Information Officer and Deputy Director, Information Technology Services Division, Department of Rehabilitation, State of California

    Catherine Lanzaro, Chief Information Officer and Deputy Director, Technology Services Division, Department of Child Support Services, State of California

    11:15 am Pacific

    California State and Local Government IT Market Briefing

    Based on extensive research conducted by the Center for Digital Government and Techwire, this session will take a look at California’s technology spending, IT priorities and procurement patterns for the state and targeted localities.

    Joseph Morris, Deputy Chief Innovation Officer, Center for Digital Government, Government Technology magazine and Techwire

    11:45 am Pacific

    Closing Remarks and Adjourn

    Conference times, agenda, and speakers are subject to change.

    Registration Information / Contact Us

    Event Date: December 3, 2021

    Contact Information

    Registration Fee per person: $95 for non-members; Free for members.

    Registration by credit card only; no billing.

    For registration and general assistance, contact:
    Lee Vang
    Phone: (916) 932-1407

    To learn more about Techwire Insider and start your trial membership
    Connect with Techwire Member Services at (916) 932-1313 or email at