The Public CIO Technology Summit is an invitation-only educational event that brings together a select group of CIOs, CTOs and other technology leaders from the largest city, county and state IT organizations around the country. Participants gather for a day and a half of interactive dialogue around our Public CIO Special Report topics and other top-of-mind operational issues. The event’s collaborative format provides an opportunity to learn from your peers and exchange ideas on key areas of technology, management, policy and strategy unique to large government information technology organizations.
This summer’s event will be held in the “Big Easy” – New Orleans, LA. The event allows interested attendees the opportunity to spend the weekend on their own and enjoy this festive city’s singular cuisine, music and culture.
Topics will include:
Thursday, August 22 |
8:00 am Central |
Breakfast |
9:00 am Central |
Welcome and Group IntroductionsAlan Cox, Executive Vice President and Publisher, Public CIO |
9:30 am Central |
AI and GovernmentArtificial intelligence is one of the most talked about technologies, both inside and outside of government. From chatbots to predictive analytics, AI is rapidly embedding itself into governments across the globe. As with any new technology, there are more questions than answers, especially when we consider AI’s ultimate impact on government agencies and their workforces. This session dives into the latest advances in AI and what they might mean to your organization now and in the future. Dave Fletcher, Chief Technology Officer, State of Utah Christopher Stathis, Chief Technology Officer, County of El Paso, TX |
10:30 am Central |
Break |
10:45 am Central |
Data – Is an Enterprise Approach Feasible?Are you having challenges with inter-agency data sharing? Do you have silos of data that seem inaccessible? Have regulatory obstacles inhibited efforts to link datasets? Don't fret if your answer to these questions is “yes,” progress is possible. This session will offer hope, examples and, maybe, a sympathetic shoulder to rest your head upon. Craig P. Orgeron, PhD, Executive Director, Department of Information Technology Services, State of Mississippi Oliver Wise, Director, Socrata Data Academy, Tyler Technologies |
11:45 am Central |
Lunch |
12:45 pm Central |
Cybersecurity vs. Risk ManagementWe have all come to the conclusion that there is no sure way to be secure in our modern world. That gives rise to this discussion. How do you pivot from cybersecurity to risk management? Should you pivot? How does or should the role of cybersecurity evolve in the most effective manner? Certainly, this depends on the jurisdiction and where it is in terms of cybersecurity and how the role is currently defined, but what are organizations doing about this? In this case, the answer is in the room! Vitaliy Panych, Acting Chief Information Security Officer, Department of Technology, State of California Chris Seidt, Director of Information Technology, Louisville Metro Government, KY |
1:45 pm Central |
Break |
2:00 pm Central |
Tools for End User ComputingResearch estimates that the average employee spends nearly 20 percent of their time searching for the information they need to do their jobs and wastes more than 32 days a year toggling between different workplace applications to complete administrative tasks. Is the solution a Desktop-as-a-Service model? Is it as simple as a laptop and a desk that can be raised and lowered to help with ergonomics? What do you think? Where are you headed? What will the budget allow? This session will discuss the challenges and opportunities that await! Ken Hillebrand, Deputy Director, Department of Information Technology, Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government, KY Steve Siegler, Deputy Chief Information Officer for Operations, Office of Administration, Information Technology Services Division, State of Missouri |
3:00 pm Central |
Break |
3:15 pm Central |
The CIO as a BrokerAs the technology stack has been modified to include X-as-a-Service, the role of the CIO has also evolved. At the same time, IT leaders have sought to simplify the service offerings and eliminate too many one-off implementations. As the leadership role evolves from IT support to business partner, there is a need to have a different governance model and more willingness to standardize than has always been the case. How does this work? Where is it working and why? What steps can you still take to simplify the IT stack, get better performance, lower costs and make the service easier to consume – whether it be case management, AI, identity management, payment systems or any other common application or service? This session will shed some light and provide a sense of where your peers are in this evolution. James Weaver, Director and State Chief Information Officer, Technology Solutions, State of Washington Tom Yeatts, Chief Technology Officer, State & Local Government, Education, ServiceNow |
4:15 pm Central |
Break until Dinner |
6:00 pm Central |
Leave for DinnerWe will meet in the lobby of the Renaissance to walk to dinner. The restaurant is approximately .3 mile from the hotel. |
6:15 pm Central |
DinnerAugust Restaurant 301 Tchoupitoulas Street New Orleans, LA 70130 |
Friday, August 23 |
8:30 am Central |
Breakfast |
9:00 am Central |
Smart City/State Case StudyThe concept of smart cities has been around for a decade, but it’s only in the last few years that it’s really picked up steam. The technology drivers are well known: sensors, cameras, Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, artificial intelligence, 5g wireless, fiber, big data, et al. But implementation is another matter. There are a lot of moving parts. And it’s not just for local government! This session focuses on how to define, assess, prioritize and strategize your own smart evolution. Travis Cutright, Chief Information Officer, Mesa, AZ |
9:45 am Central |
Innovation – What is Scaling?Innovation has been all the rage for years and many organizations have chief innovation officers or have pivoted the role of the information officer to an innovation officer. After watching this, it is time to ask some questions: What is working or what is scaling? Are the small ideas turning into large gains in value – either economic or in terms of improved service? When it works and goes big, why did that happen? This session will be an opportunity for a candid look at the whole story with the goal of unlocking the nuggets that will improve the odds for innovation to be more meaningful. Ann Dunkin, Chief Information Officer, County of Santa Clara, CA Lea D. Eriksen, Director of Technology and Innovation, Technology and Innovation Department, City of Long Beach, CA |
10:30 am Central |
Break |
10:45 am Central |
The Answer is in the Room |
11:30 am Central |
AdjournConference times, agenda, and speakers are subject to change. |
700 Tchoupitoulas Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
2020 Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, contact:
Alison Del Real
Government Technology
Phone: (916) 932-1435