Oregon Public Sector Cybersecurity Summit 2024 Banner


Cyber-attacks have increased dramatically over the last few years. The 2024 Oregon Public Sector Cybersecurity Summit provides an opportunity for government technology professionals to learn about the latest efforts to defend, respond and recover from cyber criminals who wish to do harm. The Summit will include cybersecurity leaders from state and local government throughout Oregon.

A message from our Keynote Speaker

Salem Convention Center

200 Commercial Street SE
Salem, OR 97301
(503) 589-1700

Get Directions To
Salem Convention Center

Advisory Board

Government Representatives

James Foster
Executive Director, State Data Center
Enterprise Information Services
State of Oregon

Ben Gherezgiher
Chief Information Security Officer
Enterprise Information Services
State of Oregon

Jimmy Godard
Chief Technology Officer
Bureau of Technology Services
State of Oregon

Shirlene Gonzalez
Legislative Director
Enterprise Information Services
State of Oregon

Kathryn Helms
Chief Data Officer
Enterprise Information Services
State of Oregon

Hope Hiebert
Communications Director
Enterprise Information Services
State of Oregon

Terrence Woods
Chief Information Officer
State of Oregon

Birol Yesilada
Professor and Director
OR Cybersecurity Ctr of Excellence & Mark O. Hatfield Cybersecurity & Cyber Defense Policy
Portland State University

Registration Information / Contact Us

Event Date: September 25, 2024

Open to Public Sector only.

Registration - Free

If you represent a Private Sector organization and are interested in Sponsorship Opportunities, please contact Heather Earney.

Contact Information

For registration and general assistance contact:

Kathy Simpson
Government Technology
Phone: (916) 932-1394
E-mail: ksimpson@govtech.com

For assistance or questions concerning Sponsor Logos or Logistics please contact:

Mireya Gaton
Government Technology
Phone: (916) 296-2617
E-Mail: mgaton@govtech.com

Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, contact:

Heather Earney
Government Technology
Phone: (916) 932-1339
E-mail: heather.earney@erepublic.com


Salem Convention Center

200 Commercial Street SE
Salem, OR 97301
(503) 589-1700