Minnesota Digital Government Summit 2024 Banner


The Digital Government Summit brings together technology focused public-sector professionals with leading industry partners to connect on innovative approaches, get inspired and discover new technologies. Join us and let’s improve the future of government together!

A message from our Keynote Speaker

The 19th Annual Minnesota Digital Government Summit offers a unique platform for exchanging ideas and discovering innovative ways to address the digital needs of Minnesotans. Don't miss the chance for government and industry IT colleagues to connect and share their challenges, best practices, and successes. I hope to see you there!

- Tarek Tomes, Commissioner and Chief Information Officer, Minnesota IT Services, State of Minnesota


Scott Klososky

Scott Klososky

Technologist, Futurist, Humanist, Author and Consultant

As a founding partner of digital strategy firm, Future Point of View (FPOV), Scott lives on the leading edge of technology and innovative thinking. Scott speaks to large audiences worldwide about the intersection of humanity and the Digital Transformation. Through FPOV, Scott provides advisory work for clients including Fortune100, SMB’s and government entities. This work has driven him to develop unique concepts such as the HUMALOGY® Scale for measuring the amount of human or machine involved in a system or process, and the Rivers of Information® process for building learning eco-systems. He also pioneered a framework for looking accurately into the future of an industry sector in order to set organizational strategy: The High Beam process.
Scott co-founded Alkami Technology (ALKT), the developer of a second-generation online banking platform with innovative features non-existent in current systems. The company went public in 2021 at a $3billion valuation and is today headquartered in Dallas with over 350 employees.
Scott is recognized globally for his unique ability to accurately predict future digital trends and explain the logic behind why these will alter the current status quo of the economy and society. While business application of his insights is extremely valuable to leaders and companies, he is also motivated help improve the impact post Covid environments are having on people and their daily lives. Technology has been increasingly driving change and stress and recent events are amplifying this problem. He has a unique perspective on how to manage the personal toll technology is causing people, teams and organizations.
Even as a young child, Scott was destined to see the world through a Humalogy® lens. His father was a programmer for Boeing and his mother was a counselor who mixed many philosophies into her practice of helping people in life. To this day, he is a hybrid of a technologist and humanist who strives to find a hopeful future in blending the two.
Scott has the ability to entertain, inspire, and enlighten audiences, while helping them gain new perspectives about how technology is impacting us. Scott never does a canned presentation with the exact content across events. He sets himself apart from other speakers by architecting his content with the latest examples, current events and trends relevant for the keynote he is delivering.
He is equally adept at giving large stage keynotes, speaking to small boards of directors, facilitating half and full day workshops, and doing break-out sessions. As an added bonus of his presentations, attendees come away learning how to be a better facilitator, speaker or presenter by seeing Scott use different applications and technologies to engage audiences either in a virtual, hybrid or in person setting. The best measure of his ability to inspire and inform audiences is the high percentage of speaking clients who bring him back for follow up work with their audiences.
He produces a podcast titled “The Digital Optimist” in which he delivers ideas about the transformation of humanity through the impact of technology with a positive and hopeful lens. He also writes a blog titled Digital Awakening – both can be found at his website at www.klososky.com



Tuesday, August 20

8:00 am Central

Registration and Morning Refreshments in the Exhibit Area

9:00 am Central

Opening Remarks

Tarek Tomes, Commissioner and Chief Information Officer, MNIT, State of Minnesota

9:15 am Central

Keynote – The Age of Digital Disruption: Moving Forward, Faster

Technology advancements continue to disrupt at a swifter pace than ever before. 2023 witnessed the impact of AI in all sectors, and this year the public sector is required to adapt and adopt at a speed unheard of in the past. For the rest of our careers, intelligence will be built into all devices, applications, and processes. This changes how we must think about the use of data and the integration of humans and machines. What are the crucial strategies for adapting to and maximizing the benefits of these advancements? This session will have you ready to move forward at high speed as it paints a vibrant picture showing how synthetic intelligence can amplify current systems and our workforce.

Scott Klososky, Technologist, Futurist, Humanist, Author, and Consultant

10:15 am Central

Networking Break in the Exhibit Area

10:45 am Central

Concurrent Sessions

Envisioning the Future of Technology

We can’t afford to be complacent when technological advancements have a chance to drive meaningful and positive change for all. Emerging technologies like LLMs and quantum computing will have an impactful place in the public sector for the foreseeable future – but how do we prepare our people, our systems, and our imaginations to utilize and implement what is new? This session illustrates current use cases as well as potential applications for exciting tech in government!

Keeping Score: Cybersecurity Performance Measurement

Ensuring robust cybersecurity is a top priority in today’s digital landscape. How can governments effectively measure and enhance their cybersecurity performance? This session explores key metrics, frameworks, and best practices for assessing cybersecurity, understanding threats, and implementing improvements. Learn to translate performance data into actionable insights, driving strategic decisions and strengthening your organization's security.

Transforming the Government Experience

In an era where technology continually reshapes our world, the true north remains improving the lives of our residents. How can we steadfastly keep our focus and steer our teams to guarantee that technological developments truly benefit the people we serve? Hear insights on how to ensure that our work is deliberate, user-centric, and squarely aimed at uplifting the communities we are dedicated to. Join us to explore strategies and successes that place this principle at the forefront and drive meaningful technological progress and improvements to digital services.

Advancing DEIA: Leveraging Tech for Inclusive Government

Diversity in IT is critical as governments must be relevant to their constituents while increasing equality and accessibility. How can technology play a role in taking DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility) to the next level? This session will highlight strategies for identifying and closing equity gaps and delve into the importance of accessibility in providing equitable access to all government services. We will also learn about recent digital accessibility requirements that must be planned for. Join us to discover tools and resources for advancing your organization's commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility!

11:45 am Central


12:45 pm Central

Bits and Bytes – Changemakers: Leadership for Strategic Impact

In an era of constant change, it is imperative that leaders can identify and activate influencers who can help get the job done. In this session we will discuss the leadership skills needed to influence and empower changemakers, build resilience within teams, and enhance your ability to lead strategic and effective change.

1:05 pm Central

Short Break

Please proceed to the concurrent sessions.

1:15 pm Central

Concurrent Sessions

Breaking Down Barriers: AI for Digital Equity

AI is revolutionizing digital equity, and these innovations are helping ensure that all constituents have access to vital government services. However, critical aspects of privacy, security and governance must be considered. This session highlights real-world use cases where AI and large language models (LLMs) facilitate translations and help new immigrants, the elderly, and first-time adopters, and delves into the tools and strategies you can use to enhance your organization's digital equity footprint.

Leading Through Crisis

In times of crisis and disruption, strong leadership is crucial to maintaining stability and progress. Fostering hardy relationships, communicating effectively with stakeholders, and navigating challenges with resilience are all skills a leader must possess. In this session we will discuss best practices for enhancing your leadership acumen to maintain continuity and ensure your team and organization are adaptable in the face of uncertainty.

Help Me Help You: Shared Service Governance Models

Recent years have highlighted the necessity for collaboration among jurisdictions and agencies. Sharing services is a significant undertaking—where do you start, and how can it be governed effectively? Join us to discuss best practices and strategies for finding common ground, selecting the right technology resources, prioritizing projects, and managing the policies and requirements involved. In this session you will learn how to navigate the complexities of shared services to enhance efficiency and collaboration.

Exclusive Briefing for Industry Partners

Hosted by: Tarek Tomes, Commissioner and Chief Information Officer, MNIT, State of Minnesota

2:15 pm Central

Networking Break in the Exhibit Area

2:35 pm Central

General Session – The State of AI in GovTech: Exploring the Future

Presented by the Center for Public Sector AI, this keynote presentation delves into the present status of Artificial Intelligence in the GovTech sector, offering a detailed examination of AI's applications within state and local governments. We will explore AI's potential future paths in GovTech, highlighting emerging trends and discussing how technology and policy leaders can prepare for AI's impact on service delivery. We will address starting points for AI implementation, stressing the importance of collaboration, ethical considerations, and equitable technology access. This forward-looking talk will equip attendees with a thorough understanding of AI's trajectory in GovTech, providing practical insights to effectively leverage AI for public sector innovation and advancement.

Mark Weatherford, Senior Fellow, The Centers for Digital Government and Public Sector AI

3:45 pm Central

Networking Reception in the Exhibit Area

Network with your colleagues and discuss technology solutions with the event exhibitors.

4:15 pm Central

End of Conference

Conference times, agenda, and speakers are subject to change.

Saint Paul RiverCentre

175 West Kellogg Blvd
Saint Paul, MN 55102
(651) 265-4800

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Saint Paul RiverCentre

Advisory Board

Government Representatives

Zarina Baber
Assistant Commissioner and Chief Transformation Officer
State of Minnesota

Jackie Bailey
Vice Chancellor of IT & CIO
Information Technology Services
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

Vijay Bhaskar
Chief Business Technology Officer
MNIT, MN Pollution Control Agency, Board of Water and Soil Resources
State of Minnesota

Paul Cameron
Chief Information Officer
City of Minneapolis

Amy Cheney
Chief Information Officer
City of Bloomington

Jenna Covey
Chief Business Technology Officer
MNIT, Department of Natural Resources
State of Minnesota

Jon Eichten
Deputy Commissioner
State of Minnesota

Chetan Ganatra
Chief Information Officer
Ramsey County

Glen Gilbertson
Chief Information Officer
Information Technology
Hennepin County

Tommi Godwin
Director of Strategic Planning
State of Minnesota

Justin Hennes
Chief Information Officer
Information Technology
Minneapolis Public Schools

Robert James
Information Technology Director
City of Woodbury

Adam Larson
Chief Information Officer
Information Technology
Washington County

Abdeslam Mazouz
Chief Information Security Officer
City of Minneapolis

Lisa Meredith
Executive Director
Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative

Drew Nelson
Deputy Director
Office of Technology and Communications
City of St. Paul

Timothy Ogg
Chief Business Technology Officer
MNIT, Small Boards and Commissions
State of Minnesota

Matt Peabody
Director of Information Technology Solutions
Olmsted County

Melissa Reeder
Chief Information Officer
League of Minnesota Cities

John Rindal
Chief Business Technology Officer
MNIT, Dept of Administration, Dept of Human Rights, Bureau of Mediation Services
State of Minnesota

Kim Roberson
Deputy Chief Business Technology Officer
MNIT, Department of Transportation
State of Minnesota

Tyrone Spratt
Chief Business Technology Officer
MNIT, Department of Agriculture, Board of Animal Health, Department of Labor & Industry
State of Minnesota

Chad Thuet
Human Resources Director
State of Minnesota

Tarek Tomes
Commissioner and Chief Information Officer
State of Minnesota

Craig Troska
Chief Technology Officer
Information Technology
Hennepin County

Jaime Wascalus
Director and Chief Information Officer
Office of Technology and Communications
City of St. Paul

Jay Wyant
Chief Information Accessibility Officer
State of Minnesota

Industry Representatives

Matt Bailey
Technology Sales Leader

Chris Campbell
Senior Account Manager
Amazon Web Services

Amy Niemi
Account Director

Joey Peterson
Major Account Manager

Richard Rossman
Sales Director

Registration Information / Contact Us

Event Date: August 20, 2024

Open to Public Sector only.

Registration - Free

If you represent a Private Sector organization and are interested in Sponsorship Opportunities, please contact Heather Earney.

Contact Information

Timiko Watkins
Government Technology
Phone: (916) 932-1314
E-mail: twatkins@erepublic.com

For assistance or questions concerning Sponsor Logos or Logistics please contact:

Mireya Gaton
Government Technology
Phone: (916) 296-2617
E-Mail: mgaton@govtech.com

Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, contact:

Heather Earney
Government Technology
Phone: (916) 932-1339
E-mail: heather.earney@erepublic.com


Saint Paul RiverCentre

175 West Kellogg Blvd
Saint Paul, MN 55102
(651) 265-4800