Industry Insider: A Member Briefing with Ricardo Blanco, CIO for the Texas Health and Human Services System Banner


Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) — which includes the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) and the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) — has hundreds of programs and services that help more than 7 million Texans a month with food, health care, safety, and disaster services.

As the CIO for HHSC, the largest state agency in Texas with an annual budget of over $39 billion, Ricardo Blanco oversees the technology needs of over 40,000 employees and manages an annual IT budget estimated at over $1.2 billion.

HHSC Information Technology received two GovTech Best of Texas awards at the Texas Digital Government Summit on June 1st.  The Riata Migration Project won the Best of Texas Award for IT Collaboration. This project involved relocating over 73 applications and tools and over 400 servers from the Riata Data Center to a state-owned data center supported by the Department of Information Resources.  The State Health Analytics and Reporting Platform (SHARP) won the Best of Texas Award for Best Innovative Use of Data Analytics. SHARP is an enterprise data platform that provides near-term and long-term data management and processing for the Department of State Health Services.


A message from our Keynote Speaker


Ricardo Blanco

Ricardo Blanco

Deputy Executive Commissioner, Information Technology & Chief Information Officer for the Texas Health and Human Services system

Utilizing his depth of IT knowledge, an innovative mindset, and the ability to create high-performing teams, Mr. Blanco has delivered key departmental accomplishments since being promoted to the role of HHS Chief Information Officer in August 2019, including delivering remote technology solutions to 40,000+ employees during COVID, and a consolidation of almost 900 servers into the State’s Data Center Services program.
Before Mr. Blanco moved to his current role, he served as HHS Chief Technology Officer, where he provided strategic direction of technology by identifying the role specific technologies play in the agency’s business improvement and future growth, established current and long-range direction of technology aimed at keeping the organization on the forefront of innovation, and provided architectural consultation and guidance in strategic operations and planning
Before transitioning to HHS, Mr. Blanco served at the Texas Department of State Health for 12 years where he held a variety of roles including responsibility for the daily IT operations of eleven state hospitals, ten regional headquarters, 113 field offices, and 588 WIC Field Sites supporting 13,000+ state employees.
Mr. Blanco practices value-based leadership and is known for his ability to support mission-critical activities, infrastructure and IT services, including telecommunications and data operations that impact various areas of the agency.
He is a graduate of the ELITE (Executive Leadership for Information Technology Excellence) program at the University of Texas at Austin Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology cybersecurity professional development program.

Dustin Haisler

Dustin Haisler

Chief Innovation Officer, e.Republic

Dustin Haisler is the Chief Innovation Officer for e.Republic. As Chief Innovation Officer, he has a strategic role to help shape the company’s products, services, and future direction. Primarily, he leads e.Republic Labs, a market connector created as an ecosystem to educate, accelerate, and ultimately scale technology innovation within the public sector. Dustin began he career at a very young age as the finance director and later CIO for Manor, TX, a small city outside Austin. He quickly built a track record and national reputation as an early innovator in civic tech, for which he was named a Government Technology Top 25 Doer, Dreamer and Driver in 2009. A member of Code for America’s original steering committee, Dustin pioneered government use of commercial technologies not before used in the public sector – including Quick-Response (QR) barcodes, crowdsourcing, and gamification. Dustin went on to the private sector to help broaden the adoption of these and other civic innovations. His work has been featured in Wired, Fast Company, the Wall Street Journal, Inc., and the Today Show on NBC. An in-demand speaker, he has given two TEDx speeches – one on Disrupting Government (TEDxAustin) and the other on Disrupting Education (TEDxLivermore).



Thursday, October 13

10:30 am Central


11:00 am Central


12:00 pm Central


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