State of Technology - California Industry Forum 2025 Banner


State of Technology – California Industry Forum 2025 is the premier industry event focused on gov tech in the State of California. This half-day event brings together Center for Digital Government market analysts and key government leaders to unveil their forecasts on future initiatives impacting IT across the state. Designed for sales and marketing leaders, the Forum provides insights to help turbocharge business strategies and validate sales and marketing activities. Why attend?

  • Get exclusive insights from the state CIO and government tech leaders about the hottest opportunities, emerging trends and groundbreaking initiatives shaping California’s gov tech market.
  • Gain in-depth knowledge on the state’s IT priorities and plans based on the freshly released 2026 budget.
  • Take a deep dive into the technology trends disrupting the status quo and revolutionizing how California’s government serves the public.
  • Get insights into the driving forces behind government IT spending.
  • Network with fellow industry leaders, share ideas and forge partnerships.

Agenda and speakers to be announced.

A message from our Keynote Speaker


Liana Bailey-Crimmins

Liana Bailey-Crimmins

State Chief Information Officer and Director, Department of Technology, State of California

Governor Gavin Newsom appointed Liana Bailey-Crimmins state CIO and director of CDT in June 2022. Director Bailey-Crimmins, who has been serving as state chief technology officer and CDT’s deputy director of the Office of Technology Services since early 2021, has more than 30 years of state government technology experience.
In these pivotal roles, she is tasked with improving technology performance as an investment in California’s future and advises the governor on the strategic management of the state’s technology resources. She provides the administration with best approaches to implement state technology-related strategic plans, policies, standards, and enterprise architecture.  She is also working to close the state’s digital divide as chair of the California Broadband Council and Middle-Mile Broadband Advisory Committee.
Director Bailey-Crimmins’ public service includes executive positions as chief information security officer at the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, where she led and oversaw the team responsible for protecting the private data of nearly 2 million CalPERS members and a $400 billion investment portfolio. She also served as CalPERS’ chief health director and its chief information officer. Before joining CalPERS, she was the information technology director and CIO of California Correctional Health Care Services and project director of the California Information Technology Infrastructure

Joseph Morris

Joseph Morris

Chief Innovation Officer, Center for Digital Government

Joseph Morris is the chief innovation officer for the Center for Digital Government and a national keynote speaker on issues, trends and drivers impacting state and local government and education. He has authored publications and reports on funding streams, technology investment areas and public-sector priorities, and has led roundtables, projects and initiatives focused on issues within the public sector. Joe has conducted state and local government research with e.Republic since 2007 and knows the ins and outs of government on all levels. He received his Bachelor of Arts in government and international relations from the California State University, Sacramento.


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2200 Harvard Street
Sacramento, CA 95815

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Registration Information / Contact Us

Event Date: August 7, 2025

Registration Fee per person: $150 for members for Industry Insider — California, $250 for non-members*; $25 discount if registering by July 7, 2025

Registration by credit card only; no billing.

Contact Information

For registration and general assistance, contact:
Brad Loebs
Industry Insider — California
Phone: (916) 932-1409

For assistance or questions concerning Sponsor Logos or Logistics please contact:

Mireya Gaton
Government Technology
Phone: (916) 296-2617

*To learn more about becoming an Industry Insider — California member
visit this page or reach out to our team at


Hilton Sacramento Arden West

2200 Harvard Street
Sacramento, CA 95815

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