GovAI Coalition Summit 2024 Banner


The Summit is being hosted by the GovAI Coalition and the City of San José in the San José Convention Center. This significant location positions this event in the heart of Silicon Valley, the global epicenter of AI and technological innovation. Attendees will discover cutting-edge AI trends, ethical practices, data management, and practical applications in public safety, transit, and local government, while exploring inclusive adoption and innovative policy development.

About the GovAI Coalition

The GovAI Coalition membership includes 600+ public servants from 250 local, county and state governments representing approximately 150 million Americans across the nation. The coalition is united in their mission to promote responsible and purposeful AI in the public sector.

The GovAI Coalition is committed to:

  • Using AI for social good;
  • Ensuring ethical, non-discriminatory, and responsible AI governance;
  • Promoting vendor accountability;
  • Improving government services; and
  • Fostering cross-agency collaboration and knowledge sharing.


A message from our Keynote Speaker


Wednesday, December 4

11:30 am Pacific

Registration and Refreshments in the Exhibit Area

1:00 pm Pacific

Opening General Session

The future of public sector innovation begins now, as the GovAI Coalition unites leaders from across the nation to shape the path forward. With bold vision from coalition leadership and cutting-edge AI use cases on display, this session sets the stage for the critical conversations and breakthroughs that will drive government technology forward. Experience transformative ideas and real-world applications, setting the tone for a summit that will ignite new possibilities for the now and next of public sector AI.

2:50 pm Pacific

Networking Break

3:20 pm Pacific

Concurrent Sessions

GovAI Coalition Part I of II: Join the Public Sector AI Movement

The GovAI Coalition is an influential network of over 1,000 members from local, state, and federal agencies, united by a shared mission to promote responsible and purposeful AI in the public sector. This introductory session will provide an overview of the Coalition’s origin and vision, highlighting its commitment to using AI for social good, ensuring ethical and accountable AI governance, and fostering cross-agency collaboration. Participants will learn how to get involved, from signing up as a member to contributing to policy templates and knowledge-sharing initiatives. Whether you're in government, academia, or the private sector, this session offers the perfect starting point to engage with a community dedicated to shaping AI that benefits residents and society at large.

Cyber Part I of II: The Double-Edged Sword of AI

AI is transforming cybersecurity, offering tools that can both protect and pose risks to organizations. But how do we navigate this double-edged sword? This session delves into the dual nature of AI—how it serves as a powerful force for good, enhancing security operations and fortifying defenses, while also being exploited by cybercriminals to launch sophisticated attacks. Through this dual lens, we'll explore strategies to harness AI's potential for securing your organization while staying vigilant against its misuse. Join us to gain insights into leveraging AI responsibly to create a safer digital world.

AI Readiness: Workforce & Change Management

With AI poised to reshape public sector roles and responsibilities, preparing the workforce is critical. This session delves into the strategies necessary for upskilling, retraining, and managing organizational change. Attendees will learn how to identify and develop the skills required for AI-driven tasks, create and update job descriptions/classifications, and foster a culture of continuous learning and adaptation. HR leaders and CIOs will gain actionable insights into how to support their teams through this transformation, ensuring that their workforce is equipped to thrive in an AI-enabled environment.

4:05 pm Pacific

Transition to Next Round of Concurrent Sessions

4:15 pm Pacific

Concurrent Sessions

GovAI Coalition Part II of II: From Policy to Practice

In Part 2 of the GovAI Coalition series, we move beyond introductory concepts and delve into the practical application of AI governance within the public sector. This session is designed for top-level decision-makers, IT professionals, and policymakers who are ready to implement AI governance frameworks in their organizations. Attendees will explore a selection of the GovAI Coalition’s policy templates, gaining insights into how these frameworks can be adapted and applied to ensure ethical, transparent, and effective AI deployments. Whether you’re a CIO, CTO, or elected official, this session provides the tools and knowledge needed to translate policy into action, fostering AI solutions that benefit residents while maintaining public trust.

Cyber Part II of II: Mitigating Risks in an AI Powered World

As AI transforms the way public agencies operate, it also introduces new cyber threats that must be managed effectively. This session will examine the intersection of AI and cybersecurity, focusing on the expanded risk vectors that AI presents. Participants will discuss policy development aimed at protecting data privacy and ensuring that AI technologies are governed by ethical and regulatory standards that keep pace with technological advancements.

Social Impact: Equitable AI for Public Good

As reports of gender bias in automated hiring tools and racially discriminatory outputs in pretrial risk assessments make headlines, the issue of algorithmic bias is a growing concern. For public agencies, the stakes are particularly high, as AI systems are increasingly integrated into government operations. This session features a panel of experts from government, civil society, and the private sector who will discuss why public agencies must take algorithmic bias seriously. Attendees will gain insights into the potential consequences of unchecked bias and explore practical strategies to minimize bias in AI systems, ensuring these tools promote equity rather than perpetuate discrimination.

5:00 pm Pacific

Networking Reception in the Exhibit Area

5:45 pm Pacific

End of Day 1

Thursday, December 5

7:45 am Pacific

Registration and Buffet Breakfast

8:30 am Pacific

General Session

10:00 am Pacific

Networking Break in the Exhibit Area

10:30 am Pacific

Concurrent Sessions

Public Engagement I of II: Real-World Success in Connecting AI and Communities

At its core, every government agency is tasked with serving the people. As AI becomes a more prominent tool in public services, ensuring that these systems reflect community needs is essential. Engaging the public in AI decision-making is key to building trust and ensuring new technology benefits everyone. This session will showcase successful public engagement stories from various agencies that have involved residents in AI projects. Discover how you can implement similar approaches to strengthen your community’s involvement in the AI technologies impacting their lives.

Data Governance: Readiness for AI

Data is the backbone of effective AI, making comprehensive data readiness a top priority for public sector organizations. This session will cover the full spectrum of data management necessary for successful AI deployment, including data collection, sharing, governance, quality assurance, and policy development. Participants will learn how to establish robust data governance frameworks that support AI initiatives while addressing key challenges such as data privacy, security, and compliance. By the end of this session, attendees will be equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to ensure their agency’s data is AI-ready, laying a solid foundation for the successful implementation of AI technologies.

AI Playbook for Leaders I of IV: Foundational Insights for Public Sector Decision-Makers

As AI rapidly transforms government operations, public sector leaders must distinguish between hype and reality. This session, tailored for elected officials and executives, explores AI’s journey from early development to its current role as a transformative force. Participants will examine the history of AI, foundational types, and the challenges and opportunities of integrating AI into public services. Attendees will also learn what it takes to deploy AI effectively and guide their organizations toward meaningful adoption. This session prepares leaders for the Responsible AI Pledge, signaling their readiness to lead informed, responsible AI initiatives.

11:15 am Pacific

Transition to Next Round of Concurrent Sessions

11:25 am Pacific

Concurrent Sessions

Public Engagement II of II: Workshop

Public engagement is a critical aspect of using AI responsibly as a government. Unfortunately, it’s not always a straightforward process and there are often many barriers to successfully engaging the community. Despite time and resource constraints, what can your agency do to improve its public engagement efforts around the AI systems it uses? In this session, participatory methods experts will share models for engagement with agency practitioners and facilitate a brainstorm session that will give you next steps to enhance your agency’s public engagement strategy for AI.

Data Governance: Ethics & Best Practices

As AI technologies advance, the ethical management of data has become a critical concern for those directly involved in AI implementation. This session is tailored for those in the public sector who are on the front lines of integrating AI into government. The focus will be on the practical aspects of data ethics, including how to responsibly collect, share, and use data in AI systems. Topics will include bias mitigation, transparency, accountability, and the development of ethical guidelines that align with both legal standards and public expectations. Attendees will dive deep into real-world scenarios and case studies, gaining insights into how to navigate complex ethical dilemmas and ensure that their AI projects adhere to the highest ethical standards. By the end of this session, participants will be equipped with actionable strategies to manage data ethically in their AI initiatives, ensuring fairness, trust, and compliance throughout the AI lifecycle.

AI Playbook for Leaders II of IV: Strategy, Policy, and Action

As AI transforms the public sector, it’s vital for government leaders—mayors, executives, and elected officials—to develop a strategic approach for AI integration. This session equips leaders with the knowledge to effectively incorporate AI into their jurisdictions, focusing on strategic planning, data governance, ethics, service delivery, budgeting, and policy development. Participants will gain practical insights into how these elements work together to form a cohesive AI strategy. Key areas include data management, AI ethics, workforce development, and policy creation, ensuring leaders are prepared to drive innovation, enhance public services, and govern AI responsibly while mitigating risks.

12:10 pm Pacific


1:10 pm Pacific

Transition to Concurrent Sessions

1:15 pm Pacific

Concurrent Sessions

Social Impact: AI & The Environment

AI’s rise is transforming industries and public sector services, but its social impact goes far beyond innovation. In this session, executive leaders and technology managers will explore the broader consequences of AI adoption on environmental sustainability, digital accessibility, and social equity. We will discuss how AI-driven systems contribute to environmental resource consumption, challenge equitable access to technology, and influence the distribution of benefits across different communities. Attendees will leave with insights into mitigating these challenges and ensuring AI’s role is positive and inclusive for all residents.

Effective Vendor Partnerships: Strategies for Mutual Success

In the rapidly evolving field of AI, building strong vendor partnerships is crucial for successful implementation in the public sector. This session focuses on fostering effective collaborations between government agencies and AI vendors. Through an engaging panel discussion, experts from both sides will explore what public agencies need from their AI vendors and what vendors expect from their government clients. Attendees will gain insights into best practices for managing AI vendor relationships, ensuring alignment of goals, and driving innovation through effective public-private collaboration.

AI Playbook for Leaders III of IV: Setting the Course for 2025

In the final stretch of the AI Playbook for Leaders series, government executives, mayors, and city managers will explore the Responsible AI Pledge. This pledge outlines essential commitments for ethical AI implementation, transparency, equitable access to AI services, and environmental sustainability. Participants will review each pledge point in detail, gaining practical insights on how to integrate these objectives into local governance. By the session’s end, attendees will have a clear understanding of the Responsible AI Pledge and a roadmap for leading responsible and innovative AI strategies within their communities.

2:00 pm Pacific

Transition to Concurrent Sessions

2:10 pm Pacific

Concurrent Sessions

Actionable AI: What Can We Do Right Now?

This session empowers public sector employees at all levels to take immediate, actionable steps toward AI adoption. By focusing on “low-hanging fruit,” participants will learn practical strategies to optimize tasks, enhance service delivery, and improve decision-making with AI, regardless of their role. The session will highlight easy wins, cross-departmental collaboration, and ways to build momentum for larger AI initiatives, ensuring everyone can contribute to their organization’s AI transformation. Attendees will leave with concrete next steps to start leveraging AI in their daily work.

Pooling Resources for AI: Navigating Shared Contracts and Services

In the evolving landscape of AI, public sector agencies face unique challenges and opportunities in procurement. This session explores how government entities can collaborate to share contracts and services, maximizing their resources and expertise. Participants will learn about best practices for AI procurement, with a focus on creating shareable contracts that benefit multiple agencies within the GovAI Coalition. By pooling resources and aligning strategies, agencies can streamline procurement processes, reduce costs, and accelerate AI adoption. This session is ideal for those looking to enhance their AI initiatives through collaborative, cross-agency partnerships.

AI Playbook for Leaders IV of IV: Setting the Course for 2025

Building on the first session, this interactive discussion on the Responsible AI Pledge allows leaders to voice their perspectives, propose amendments, and engage in dialogue to ensure the pledge meets the unique needs of their communities. Rather than adopting a fixed set of commitments, participants will collaboratively shape a vision for AI’s role in delivering responsible, equitable, and sustainable public services. The session will conclude with a ceremonial signing of the pledge, symbolizing a collective commitment to ethical and inclusive AI adoption, setting the course for 2025 and beyond with a focus on public trust and community well-being.

2:55 pm Pacific

Transition to Concurrent Sessions

3:05 pm Pacific

Concurrent Sessions

Future Lab: Beyond AI, What's Next?

In the midst of ever-changing tech landscapes, it’s crucial to keep our eyes on the horizon. As AI and IoT become mainstream, understanding what the next technological revolution brings will be essential for public sector leaders. How can we stay prepared for these future advancements and the unforeseen challenges and opportunities they bring? Join us as we look ahead to emerging technologies poised to transform how we serve the public and explore strategies to stay ahead of the curve, ensuring readiness to navigate and harness the next wave of technological breakthroughs.

3:50 pm Pacific

Networking Break in the Exhibit Area

4:20 pm Pacific

Closing General Session

5:00 pm Pacific

Networking Reception in the Exhibit Area

5:45 pm Pacific

End of Conference

Friday, December 6

9:00 am Pacific

GovAI Coalition Town Hall Meeting at San José City Hall

Meeting details distributed via email to interested registrants.

Program will end by 2pm, check back for exact timing.

Conference times, agenda, and speakers are subject to change.

San Jose McEnery Convention Center & Cultural Facilities

408 S Almaden Boulevard
San Jose, CA 95110

Get Directions To
San Jose McEnery Convention Center & Cultural Facilities

Registration Information / Contact Us

Event Date: December 4-5, 2024

Open to Public Sector and Civil Society.

Registration Fee per person: $95.00

Registration by credit card only; no billing.

If you represent a Private Sector organization and are interested in Sponsorship Opportunities, please contact Heather Earney.

Contact Information

For registration and general assistance contact:

Abigail Suiter
Government Technology
Phone: (916) 932-1405

For assistance or questions concerning Sponsor Logos or Logistics please contact:

Mireya Gaton
Government Technology
Phone: (916) 296-2617

Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, contact:

Heather Earney
Government Technology
Phone: (916) 932-1339


San Jose McEnery Convention Center & Cultural Facilities

408 S Almaden Boulevard
San Jose, CA 95110

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There is a parking garage onsite at the Convention Center. Park in the section marked Hall 3 for easy access to the event location.


Government Technology has two group room blocks established at the following locations:

Hyatt Place San Jose/Downtown Hotel
282 Almaden Boulevard
San Jose, CA 95110
Phone: (408) 998-0400
Rate: $159.00/standard | $179.00/deluxe
Cut-off date: 11/15/24
When making reservations please use the Hyatt Place San Jose Group Reservation Link.

San Jose Marriott
301 South Market Street
San Jose, CA 95113
Phone: (408) 280-1300
Rate: $281.00/standard
Cut-off date: 11/15/24
When making reservations please use the San Jose Marriott Group Reservation Link.

Rooms are on a first come, first served basis. Please note, once the room block is full, you will need to make other arrangements for your accommodation with the hotel directly or a nearby hotel.