Florida IT Leadership Forum 2024 Banner


The IT Leadership Forum brings together current and emerging technology leaders with the industry partners that support them. This invitation-only event provides a space for leaders to collaborate while addressing the most important policy, management and leadership issues surrounding the future of digital government. Contact us if you’d like to join the conversation!

A message from our Keynote Speaker


Tuesday, November 12

8:00 am Eastern

Registration and Morning Refreshments in the Exhibit Area

9:00 am Eastern

Opening Remarks

9:15 am Eastern

General Session - Bridging Technology and Business: A Conversation with Florida's Transportation Leaders

Join us for an insightful fireside chat with the CIO and Secretary of the Department of Transportation in Florida, as they discuss how technology and business strategies align to drive innovation and efficiency in transportation. They will explore the importance of collaboration between IT and business teams to meet the state's infrastructure goals. Gain valuable perspectives on how technology is shaping the future of transportation and public service.

Jared Perdue, Secretary, Florida Department of Transportation

Glendora Fortune, Chief Information Officer, Florida Department of Transportation

9:45 am Eastern

General Session

10:15 am Eastern

Networking Break in the Exhibit Area

10:45 am Eastern

Concurrent Sessions

Leadership in the Era of Emerging Technologies

True leadership in the fast-paced realm of IT leadership extends beyond mere awareness – it requires the ability to guide your teams adeptly through transformative periods. Are you equipped with the necessary skill sets to lead effectively amidst emerging technological challenges? This session offers unique perspectives on how to lead in this rapidly evolving technological landscape, balance risk with strategic decision making, and drive transformative change within your organization ensuring its readiness for tomorrow.

Bridging the Divide: Synergizing Business and IT

The synergy between Business and IT is more crucial in today’s digital landscape than ever. How do we ensure that technology initiatives are not just in sync but fully supportive of broader business objectives and priorities? What actionable steps can we take to enhance collaboration between business and IT stakeholders? In this session, we’ll delve into effective strategies for fostering strong partnership between the business and IT. Uncover the keys to cultivating collaboration, breaking down silos and fostering open communication channels to ensure a harmonious synergy between vision and execution.

From Team Member to Leader: Mastering the IT Leadership Transition

Transitioning from a technical role to a leadership position brings new challenges and opportunities. This session offers insights into developing the necessary leadership skills that go beyond technical knowledge. How do you leverage your tech background to create a unique leadership style? What are the most effective ways to communicate with non-technical stakeholders? How are others able to inspire and manage teams not only tactically, but for innovation and growth? In this session we will cover the essential skills and mindset changes required for tech professionals to thrive in leadership roles, ensuring they can effectively guide strategic decision-making transformation.

11:45 pm Eastern


12:45 pm Eastern

Keynote – Courageous Conversations: How to Equip Yourself for Difficult Interactions

In today's rapidly evolving world, the ability to communicate effectively—especially in challenging situations—is the hallmark of exceptional leadership. As organizations navigate unprecedented change leaders must rise to the occasion, transforming potential conflicts into opportunities for growth and innovation. This dynamic keynote will revolutionize your approach to difficult conversations, equipping you with powerful strategies. Whether you're dealing with resistant team members, managing conflicting priorities, or bridging generational divides, this session will provide you with the tools to communicate courageously and effectively. Leave empowered to tackle your most daunting communication challenges, inspire your team through turbulent times, and drive positive change in your organization.

Dean Gialamas, Chief Leadership Officer and Keynote Speaker

1:45 pm Eastern

Short Break

Please proceed to the concurrent sessions.

2:00 pm Eastern

Concurrent Sessions

Leading Change + Risk Management

Change is hard but fearing it can cause our agencies to fall behind the times. How do we start looking at this differently, and lean into change being a positive part of innovation instead of something that leaves us vulnerable to risk? How do we manage our fear of failure as we grow in our leadership roles? Can we get out of the day-to-day tactical activities to make space to see the next big thing? Join this session to explore smart ways to lean into the uncomfortable world of making change.

Communication: Art of Storytelling

One of the most important parts of being a leader is the ability to effectively communicate with stakeholders at every level, including your team, your boss, elected officials, and even the media. As you get better at storytelling, you gain stronger relationships with every type of stakeholder. In IT specifically, stories can be an excellent way to connect with stakeholders and customers to help them see the benefit of the solutions you’re providing. How do you transform your thoughts and ideas into stories that grab your audience’s attention? Does this work with the population you serve, or the team you manage? This session will share tips on how to become a master storyteller and make your communication more impactful in all aspects of leadership, and life.

Future Proofing with a Solid Succession Plan

Identifying and nurturing talent within our teams is a critical function of leadership. Recognizing and cultivating emerging leaders is one piece of the puzzle, but how do we set them up for success? Have we spent enough time clearly defining the skill sets that emerging leaders will need to acquire to move into leadership when the next opportunity becomes available? This session will cover best practices for creating future leaders for our organizations.

3:00 pm Eastern

Networking Break in the Exhibit Area

3:20 pm Eastern

Interactive Networking Session

4:00 pm Eastern


4:15 pm Eastern

Networking Reception in the Exhibit Area

Network with your colleagues and discuss technology solutions with the event exhibitors.

4:45 pm Eastern

End of Conference

Conference times, agenda, and speakers are subject to change.

Florida State University Student Union

75 N. Woodward Ave
Tallahassee, FL 32306
(850) 644-6860

Get Directions To
Florida State University Student Union

Advisory Board

Government Representatives

Pura Ahler
Deputy Chief Information Officer
Department of Health
State of Florida

Eric Brown
Chief Information Officer
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
State of Florida

Paul Chafin
Chief Technology Officer
Department of Health
State of Florida

Tim Davis
Chief Information Officer
City of Tallahassee

Bob Endress
Chief Information Officer
State of Florida

Richard Evans
Chief Information Officer
Department of Management Services
State of Florida

Paul Forrester
Chief Information Officer
Department of Commerce
State of Florida

Glendora Fortune
Chief Information Officer
Department of Transportation
State of Florida

Jimmie Harrell
Deputy Chief Information Officer
Department of Revenue
State of Florida

Joey Hornsby
Chief Information Officer
Department of Law Enforcement
State of Florida

Sriram Kommu
Chief Information Officer
Agency for Persons with Disability
State of Florida

Joseph Martin
Chief Information Officer
Department of Business and Professional Regulation
State of Florida

Kerri McEwen
Acting Chief Information Officer
House of Representatives

Mark McFall
State Chief Operations Officer
Florida Digital Services
State of Florida

Alan Neubauer
Deputy Director, IT
Office of the State Courts Administrator
State of Florida

Dan Sambenedetto
Department of Information Technology
Okaloosa County

Terrence Samuel
Chief Information Officer
Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
State of Florida

Roosevelt Sawyer
Chief Information Officer, Florida Supreme Court
Office of the State Courts Administrator
State of Florida

Leo Schoonover
Chief Technology Officer
Florida Digital Services
State of Florida

Andre Smith
Deputy Commissioner of Innovation
Department of Education
State of Florida

Doug Smith
Chief Information Officer
Office of the Attorney General
State of Florida

Cole Sousa
Chief Information Officer
Department of Children and Families
State of Florida

Warren Sponholtz
State Chief Information Officer
Florida Digital Services
FL Digital Service

Marty Stevens
Chief Information Officer
Department of Environmental Protection
State of Florida

Michelle Taylor
Chief Information Officer
Office of Information Technology
Leon County Government

Mike Turner
Chief Information Officer
Florida Fish and Wildlife
State of Florida

Scott Ward
Chief Information Officer
Agency for Healthcare Administration
State of Florida

Susan Whitmire
Chief Information Officer
Florida Gaming Control Commission
State of Florida

Industry Representatives

John Breed
Government Cloud Sales
Google Cloud

Mike Yeschek
Senior Director, Government
LexisNexis Risk Solutions

Registration Information / Contact Us

Event Date: November 12, 2024

This is an invitation-only event, open to Public Sector only. For more information or to request an invitation, please contact Lauren Schoenberger.

If you represent a Private Sector organization and are interested in Sponsorship Opportunities, please contact Heather Earney.

Contact Information

To RSVP and for general assistance contact:

Lauren Schoenberger
Government Technology
Phone: (916) 932-1408
E-mail: lschoenberger@erepublic.com

For assistance or questions concerning Sponsor Logos or Logistics please contact:

Mireya Gaton
Government Technology
Phone: (916) 296-2617
E-Mail: mgaton@govtech.com

Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, contact:

Heather Earney
Government Technology
Phone: (916) 932-1339
E-mail: heather.earney@erepublic.com


Florida State University Student Union

75 N. Woodward Ave
Tallahassee, FL 32306
(850) 644-6860

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