Envision: A State and Local Government IT Summit 2023 Banner


The Center for Digital Government has always been focused on bringing together the finest minds in state and local government IT to envision the future. This exciting and interactive event serves as a catalyst for key technology leaders as they prepare for the future.

This invitation-only event consisted of IT leaders from city, county and state government organizations from around the country. The theme of the event was: “The answer is in the room.” Out of this event came opportunities to learn from your peers, a quick growth in everyone’s “go to” network for brainstorming and an opportunity to share the work you all do so well.

It is always a great opportunity to reenergize prior relationships, build new ones and is sure to be a fitting end to the year.

A message from our Keynote Speaker


Tuesday, December 12

8:00 am Pacific

Continental Breakfast

9:00 am Pacific

Welcome and Group Introductions

9:15 am Pacific

Generative AI vs AI: The Chicken or the Egg

The world of technology is being disrupted again in a major way. Artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the game in many ways. And now we are facing the next wave of change with generative AI altering just about everything we know. How are you building the power of AI into your technology world? Have you found that special use for generative AI to enhance your business? What should government be doing to take advantage of AI while being responsible about the challenges? Join our panel in exploring the disruption that makes AI and generative AI the new frontier for governments of all sizes.

Moderator: Phil Bertolini, Senior Vice President, Center for Digital Government

Charles Elliott, Field Chief Technology Officer, SLED, Google Cloud

Lea D. Eriksen, Director of Technology and Innovation and Chief Information Officer, City of Long Beach, CA

Bianca Lochner, Chief Information Officer, City of Scottsdale, AZ

Jonathan Porat, Chief Technology Officer, Department of Technology, State of California

10:00 am Pacific


10:15 am Pacific

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish: How Will Everyone Work Together?

Relationships really do make the world go round. Ensuring the right people are handling the right issues also has a role in making organizations successful. What are the responsibilities and relationships with your CIO, CISO, CTO, CDO, etc.? Do you have defined roles for your “C” Suite? Is your success impacted by overlapping responsibilities? How can technology partners understand roles and responsibilities? Join our panel in dissecting the different players in the game – how they interact with each other and how they should work together.

Moderator: Teri Takai, Senior Vice President, Center for Digital Government

Rosa Akhtarkhavari, Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Chief Information Officer, City of Orlando, FL

Matt Barry, Chief Operating Officer, HP Federal, U.S. Public Sector, HP Inc.

Douglas Murdock, Chief Information Officer, Office of Enterprise Technology Services, State of Hawaii

11:00 am Pacific


11:15 am Pacific

Innovation Is in Our Strategy: What Do We Do to Make It Work?

As state and local governments declare that innovation is a major part of their go forward strategy, there are still many hurdles to overcome. What technologies do they choose? How do they fit them into their existing architectures? How do they buy them with their existing procurement practices and policies? What technology partners do they select – big, small? When you need new stuff, how hard has it been to make the process work for you? What has worked and what still needs to be addressed? Join our panel in exploring the journey to innovation by sharing best practices.

Moderator: Teri Takai, Senior Vice President, Center for Digital Government

Torre Jessup, Chief Operating Officer, Department of Information Technology, State of North Carolina

Rob Lloyd, Deputy City Manager, City of San Jose, CA

Chris Neff, Vice President of Strategy and Growth, Tyler Technologies

12:00 pm Pacific


1:00 pm Pacific

The Optimum IT Organization Doesn’t Exist: Navigating Today’s Org Structures

Many would say that the structure of an IT organization plays a heavy role in it being successful. The ability to marshal resources to get things done can rely on who is in charge of what. Are centralized tech shops more effective than decentralized? What structure do you have and how does it help you be accountable? How do you ensure that all functions of government have the technology that they need – regardless of where they “fit”? Join our panelists as they dive deep into organizational structure and the need to balance leadership across different organizational structures.

Moderator: Todd Sander, Vice President, Center for Digital Government

Jim Doggett, Chief Information Security Officer, Semperis

Paula Peters, Deputy Chief Information Officer for Digital Transformation, Information Technology Services Division, State of Missouri

Art Thompson, Chief Information Officer, City of Detroit, MI

1:45 pm Pacific


2:00 pm Pacific

You Get Knocked Down, But Get Up Again: The Increasing Need for Resilience

The need to make your organization resilient is rising on the priority lists of government technology professionals across the country. Resiliency means more than continuity of operations – it requires understanding the needs of people, process and technology to act quickly and with purpose. Are you nurturing your resiliency for the future? What role does IT play in being as resilient as you can be? How do you build flexibility and urgency into your organization? Join our panel to understand the building blocks to keep government IT organizations moving forward from a solid foundation.

Moderator: Teri Takai, Senior Vice President, Center for Digital Government

Mike Bimonte, Chief Technology Officer, SLED, Armis

Jerry Jones, Chief Operating Officer, State of Tennessee

Liza Massey, Chief Information Officer, County of Marin, CA

2:45 pm Pacific


3:00 pm Pacific

What’s New on Your Technology Radar?

Today’s fast-paced tech world has emerging technologies bursting on the scene on a regular basis. Many get caught in the AI whirlpool, but there are several opportunities where other technologies are disrupting as well. What new tech are you using to help change your world? Are you using start-up partners to help you get what you need? Join our panel as we ponder what is next on the emerging tech parade that will help us make a difference for our people.

Moderator: Mike Driessen, Vice President, Subscription Services, e.Republic

Tim Galluzi, Chief Information Officer, State of Nevada

Morgan Reed, Leader, Executive Advisory, State and Local Government, Amazon Web Services

Sabra Schneider, Chief Information Officer, City of Bellevue, WA

3:45 pm Pacific

Day 1 Closing Comments

4:00 pm Pacific

Break until Dinner

6:00 pm Pacific

Dinner at L’Opera Italian Restaurant

We will meet in the lobby of the Westin to walk to dinner. The restaurant is .3 mile from the hotel.

Wednesday, December 13

8:30 am Pacific

Continental Breakfast

9:00 am Pacific

Cyber, Privacy and Equity: The Triple Threat!

Cybersecurity has evolved at light speed over the last three years. Managing threats is no longer enough. Government must ensure that citizen privacy is protected. In the world of enhanced citizen experience, digital equity is at the top of the list. How are privacy and equity changing the cyber game? Are governments ready to embrace the “triple threat” as you plan for the future? Join our panel as we explore the need to look broader at cybersecurity to ensure you are planning for the big picture of what is coming at you faster than ever!

Moderator: Teri Takai, Senior Vice President, Center for Digital Government

Rafael Mena, Chief Information Officer, Division of Information Systems and Services, Orange County, FL

Tony O’Neill, Chief Information Security Officer and Chief Risk Officer, Executive Office of Technology Services and Security, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Jim Richberg, Head of Cyber Policy and Global Field Chief Information Security Officer, Fortinet

9:45 am Pacific


10:00 am Pacific

What Are the Hardest Things CIOs are Facing Today . . . and Tomorrow?

No one ever said that being a government technology leader was an easy job. In fact, anyone who knows anything can testify to how hard it can really be. We have talked about a number of topics in our sessions. How does the push for sustainability impact infrastructure for critical areas like transportation? How does the CIO and their senior staff face the future with confidence? Where do they need to rely on their partners? Join our panel in bringing those difficult issues to the surface while gaining a solid understanding of the challenges ahead.

Moderator: Phil Bertolini, Senior Vice President, Center for Digital Government

Jonathan Behnke, Chief Information Officer, Department of Information Technology, City of San Diego, CA

Rob Breakiron, Managing Director, Advisory, KPMG LLP

Bill Kehoe, Director and State Chief Information Officer, Washington Technology Solutions

10:45 am Pacific

Around the Horn

The summit will close with a look at the discussions that have taken place over the past day and a half – both in sessions and in the opportunities to network and engage with peers and partners. We will open to a roundtable discussion to explore challenges in greater detail. What did we learn from our discussions? How has it prepared us to return to our leadership roles? What do we need to do next to grow our organizations to face the future with a drive to continue to make government better?

Phil Bertolini, Senior Vice President, Center for Digital Government

Teri Takai, Senior Vice President, Center for Digital Government

11:30 am Pacific


The Westin Long Beach

333 East Ocean Boulevard
Long Beach, CA 90802

Get Directions To
The Westin Long Beach

Registration Information / Contact Us

Contact Information

2024 Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, contact:

Heather Earney
Center for Digital Government
Phone: (916) 932-1339
E-mail: heather.earney@erepublic.com


The Westin Long Beach

333 East Ocean Boulevard
Long Beach, CA 90802