DSPI Annual Summit 2020 Banner


The Digital States Annual Summit is going virtual!

With input from our partners and CIOs we designed an inspirational, content-packed two-day event with special keynotes and opportunities to connect and learn from your CIO peers around the country. The challenges of supporting state government operations during the pandemic are a unique shared experience. As we begin to reopen, this event was an opportunity to share your experience, as well as discuss plans for the fall.

Teri Takai
Co-Director, Center for Digital Government


A message from our Keynote Speaker


Phil Bertolini

Phil Bertolini

Co-Director, Center for Digital Government

Phil Bertolini is the co-director of the Center for Digital Government, a national research and advisory institute on information technology policies and best practices in state and local government. Previously, he served as deputy county executive and CIO for Oakland County, Michigan.
During his 31-year tenure, Phil built a world-class IT organization in the second-largest county in Michigan, just north of Detroit. As Oakland County CIO, he oversaw more than 150 employees serving over 1.2 million residents. In 2005, he was also promoted to deputy county executive, holding dual positions until his retirement.
Phil’s efforts earned the county national attention, winning numerous awards for technology innovation and excellence. He was named one of Governing magazine’s Public Official of the Year and Government Technology magazine’s Top 25 Doers, Dreamers & Drivers. He was also honored by the President Barack Obama White House as a Champion of Change for 2012.

Kristen Cox

Kristen Cox

Executive Director, Governor’s Office of Management and Budget, State of Utah

Kristen Cox is the executive director of the Utah Governor’s Office of Management and Budget (GOMB). Appointed to the position by Governor Gary Herbert in 2012, she has worked diligently to integrate operational excellence with the state’s management and budgeting practices. Kris is helping to lead the state’s operational response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The mission of GOMB is to create more value for every tax dollar invested. Under Kris’ leadership, Utah improved government performance by more than 27 percent prior to January 2017, exceeding the 25 percent goal set by Governor Herbert. The work to improve government is never over and Utah’s state agencies have now been charged to improve performance by another 25 percent.
Prior to her time at GOMB, Kris served as the executive director of the Department of Workforce Services. Kris led the DWS effort to reduce eligibility costs by nearly 40 percent while simultaneously improving quality for the customer. This occurred during a time of significant caseload growth of almost 60 percent due to the 2008 economic recession.
Kris has also worked as the Secretary of the Maryland Department of Disabilities, was appointed to a position with the Department of Education by President George W. Bush and held numerous positions with the National Federation of the Blind. She ran as the Republican candidate for lieutenant governor of Maryland during the 2006 general election.

Dustin Haisler

Dustin Haisler

Chief Innovation Officer, e.Republic

Dustin Haisler is chief innovation officer for e.Republic. As the finance director and later CIO for Manor, TX, a small city outside Austin, Dustin quickly built a track record and reputation as an early innovator in civic tech. A member of Code for America’s original steering committee, he pioneered government use of commercial technologies not before used in the public sector – including Quick-Response (QR) barcodes, crowdsourcing and gamification. In 2010, Dustin launched Manor Labs, a website that let residents submit their own ideas and vote other peoples’ ideas up or down. The most popular suggestions went to city officials for review and possible implementation. He looked to the private sector to help broaden the adoption of these and other civic innovations, joining California-based Spigit as director of government innovation. While at Spigit, a company that makes crowd-sourcing and innovation management software, Dustin helped design and deploy innovation programs for New York City; Bogota, Columbia; and even part of the space program (through NASA’s Langley Research Center).
Notably, Dustin helped design and launch one of the first government open innovation programs in the U.S. in 2010, which received global recognition as a new model of citizen engagement and innovation. Among other first-in-nation innovations, Dustin architected a Crowdsourcing Master Land Use Plan (Harford County, MD) and patented a crowd-based business process (Crowd-as-a-Service). Named a Government Technology Top 25 Doer, Dreamer and Driver in 2009, his work has been featured in Wired, Fast Company, the Wall Street Journal, Inc. and the Today Show on NBC. An in-demand speaker, he has given two TEDx speeches – one on Disrupting Government (TEDxAustin) and the other on Disrupting Education (TEDxLivermore).
As chief innovation officer, Dustin has a strategic role to help shape the company’s products, services and future direction. Primarily, he leads e.Republic Labs, a market connector created as an ecosystem to educate, accelerate and, ultimately, scale technology innovation within the public sector.

Joe Morris

Joe Morris

Vice President of Research, e.Republic

Joseph Morris is vice president of research for e.Republic and a national keynote speaker on issues, trends and drivers impacting state and local government and education. He has authored publications and reports on funding streams, technology investment areas and public-sector priorities, and has led roundtables, projects and initiatives focused on issues within the public sector. Joe has conducted state and local government research with e.Republic since 2007 and knows the ins and outs of government on all levels. He received his Bachelor of Arts in government and international relations from the California State University, Sacramento.

Teri Takai

Teri Takai

Co-Director, Center for Digital Government

Teri Takai is the is co-director of the Center for Digital Government, a national research and advisory institute on information technology policies and best practices in state and local government. She worked for Ford Motor Company for 30 years in global application development and information technology strategic planning. From Ford, she moved to EDS in support of General Motors.
A long-time interest in public service led her to the government sector, first as CIO of the State of Michigan, then as CIO of the State of California and, subsequently, the CIO of the U.S. Department of Defense, the first woman appointed to this role. She then served as CIO for Meridian Health Plan. She is a member of several industry advisory boards.
Teri has won numerous awards, including Governing magazine’s Public Official of the Year, CIO Magazine’s CIO Hall of Fame, Government Technology magazine’s Top 25 Doers, Dreamers & Drivers, the Women in Defense Excellence in Leadership Award and the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service.



Thursday, August 13

1:00 pm Eastern

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Phil Bertolini, Co-Director, Center for Digital Government

Teri Takai, Co-Director, Center for Digital Government

1:10 pm Eastern

Keynote Session: Leadership Post Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic pushed governments into an environment of massive change. Leaders found themselves making decisions in a split second to completely alter their operations. As the pandemic slows down, government leaders will be forced to move their organizations forward into an uncertain future. What will be the key steps, approaches and leadership principles that will guide government into the future? How will the budget impact alter future plans? Technology will play an important role as governments emerge from the pandemic, but do they have the right plans and resources to be successful? Will recent events change the relationship between government agencies and the technology organizations? Kristen will provide important insights into how state government leaders can learn from the crisis and emerge stronger.

Following the presentation, Teri Takai will join Kristen for a fireside chat that will dive deeper into Kristen’s main messages.

Kristen Cox, Executive Director, Governor’s Office of Management and Budget, State of Utah

2:10 pm Eastern


2:15 pm Eastern

Breakout Sessions

The New Digital Government Experience

Times are changing fast and citizens are demanding more from their governments via digital services. What steps are CIOs taking to quickly meet the demand?

Moderator Session 1: Teri Takai, Co-Director, Center for Digital Government

Moderator Session 2: Alan Cox, Executive Vice President, e.Republic / Publisher, Government Technology Magazine

Collaboration in the Future Workplace

The ability to collaborate amongst internal and external will be more important than ever. How will CIOs collaborate with their agencies? What is the future of agile approaches?

Moderator: Steve Towns, Deputy Chief Content Officer, e.Republic

Cybersecurity Challenges in the Modern Workplace

The cybersecurity threats have increased during the pandemic and governments are struggling to keep up with their attackers. What do CIOs need to keep up? How will budget challenges impact their ongoing efforts?

Moderator: Phil Bertolini, Co-Director, Center for Digital Government

2:45 pm Eastern

CIO Roundtable

The morning keynote session focused on leadership as governments emerge from the pandemic. This roundtable will provide government technology leaders with a forum to discuss their views on what leadership will look like for their futures. This discussion will also be an opportunity for public and private sector attendees to help understand leadership and its effect on future technology initiatives.

3:20 pm Eastern

Day 1 Wrap-Up and Closing Comments

Phil Bertolini, Co-Director, Center for Digital Government

Teri Takai, Co-Director, Center for Digital Government

3:30 pm Eastern

Adjourn Day 1

Friday, August 14

1:00 pm Eastern

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Phil Bertolini, Co-Director, Center for Digital Government

Teri Takai, Co-Director, Center for Digital Government

1:10 pm Eastern

Keynote Session: The Next Normal: Planning Your Future

It is never easy to look into the future and plan your efforts accordingly. The pandemic put all existing technology plans in a bag and shook them up. The next normal for governments is still forming while leadership’s priorities pivot in a post COVID-19 world. The use of technology will be a main catalyst to successfully navigating the next normal. Uncertainty is the toughest to overcome so, to help, the federal government provided stimulus funding as part of the CARES Act, giving governments the opportunity to fund much-needed efforts after they responded to COVID-19. This session will explore what the future has to hold, while also providing practical advice for CIOs as they recover from the pandemic. The CARES Act funds are a bit of a mystery for some, but this session will lay out what is possible for governments across the country.

Dustin Haisler, Chief Innovation Officer, e.Republic

Joe Morris, Vice President of Research, e.Republic

2:10 pm Eastern


2:15 pm Eastern

Breakout Sessions

The Challenges of Post Pandemic Budgeting for Technology

Government technology budgets have been severely impacted by the pandemic response and how leaders will grapple with the need to budget at a time where resources are scarce. How can the CIO ensure that technology spending is a priority for funding?

Moderator Session 1: Teri Takai, Co-Director, Center for Digital Government

Moderator Session 2: Alan Cox, Executive Vice President, e.Republic / Publisher, Government Technology Magazine

How Emerging Technologies Impact our Future

Technology never sits still, and governments will be challenged to use emerging technologies to solve essential problems. How has the outlook for new technologies changed with remote work and changing government priorities?

Moderator: Dustin Haisler, Chief Innovation Officer, e.Republic

The Future Role of the CIO

The government CIO role has been evolving over the years and the future will hold even more change. How can the CIO emerge as a leader in moving government forward with technology?

Moderator: Phil Bertolini, Co-Director, Center for Digital Government

2:45 pm Eastern

CIO Roundtable

The morning keynote session focused on how governments will use technology to move their new leadership priorities forward. CARES Act funding will provide some relief as leaders shift priorities toward their next normal. This roundtable will focus on what government technology leaders need in order to be successful implementing their new priorities. What are your main priorities and how can we all work together to get them done? This discussion will also be an opportunity for public and private sector attendees to help understand leadership and its effect on future technology initiatives.

3:20 pm Eastern

Day 2 Wrap-Up and Closing Comments

Phil Bertolini, Co-Director, Center for Digital Government

Teri Takai, Co-Director, Center for Digital Government

3:30 pm Eastern

Adjourn DSPI Summit 2020

Made Possible by Our Corporate Sponsors

Registration Information / Contact Us

Contact Information

Heather Earney
Center for Digital Government
Phone: (916) 932-1399
E-mail: hearney@centerdigitalgov.com